St. John’s Sunday Services (June 10, 2014)

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To: The Grand Officers, Past Grand Commanders, Officers and Members of all Commanderies within the jurisdiction of, and
holding Allegiance to the Grand Commandery of New Hampshire


The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire has announced that there will be two St. John’s Sunday Services in New Hampshire this
year. One will be in Portsmouth, and the other will be in Rindge.

I invite all Sir Knights, with their families and friends to join with their fratres and brethren in attending one of the divine
services. The Grand Commandery will escort the Grand Lodge and the Masons of New Hampshire to the services at both
Portsmouth and Rindge.

Attire for Sir Knights is Class A uniform, with chapeau and sword. Guests and Sir Knights not in uniform should dress
appropriately for a church service. The schedules for the two services are:

Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth, NH
8:00 AM – Grand Lodge opens at William Pitt Tavern
8:30 AM – Assemble at the large field at Strawbery Banke
9:00 AM – Procession to St. John’s Episcopal Church
9:30 AM – Divine service
11:00 AM – March back to Strawbery Banke (following service)
11:30 AM – Cookout at Portsmouth Masonic Temple (donation)
12:00 PM – Grand Lodge closes

Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, NH
10:30 AM – Assemble in parking lot at Cathedral of the Pines
11:00 AM – Procession to service
12:00 PM – March back to parking lot

While no lunch is planned at Cathedral of the Pines, there are restaurants in the area, including Kimball Farm Restaurant and Ice
Cream Stand, 158 Turnpike Rd, Jaffrey and J.P. Stephens Restaurant, 377 Rte 202, Rindge.

I hope you are able to participate.

Robert M. Porter, Grand Commander

Dennis A. Sheridan, Grand Recorder