All posts by webmaster
2021 April – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Well, it looks like Spring is finally here, maybe with a future minor setback or two, but definitely is looking up, actually heard the first Peepers out and croaking away this afternoon. As more and more people are getting the Covid Vaccinations it looks like the Pandemic restrictions may be easing up and letting us get back to a more normal schedule. I know that I’ll be glad when we can get back to normal Meetings, doing Degrees and having Dinners.
This coming month we have a couple of events that will be on the agenda. They’ll be primarily Virtual Events, but our Stated will be in person.
Firstly, there will be a Virtual Easter Observance put on by the General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar. It will be on Sunday the 4th at 11:00. I have attached the invitation and link to this email. It’s primarily for Sir Knights, they being the Christian branch of Masonry, but any Companions or family members are welcome to watch if they’d like. It’s a YouTube type event, so not interactive, just visual.
Secondly, the Annual Business Meeting of our three Grand York Rite Bodies will be on Saturday the 10th, starting at 08:30. The registration of voting members will be starting at 08:00 and the Grand Secretary/ Recorder is supposed to send you your voting materials prior to the actual meeting, similar to Grand Lodge last Fall. I believe that all may virtually attend the session of a Body they belong to, but only the required Dias Officers, or their Proxy, may vote. Secretary/Recorder Cole will send out the notifications and requirements to the Dias Officers prior to the Meeting. If you’re interested in observing one of the Meetings contact Companion/ Sir Knight Cole and if it’s allowed he’ll send you the link.
Thirdly, our Stated this month will be on the 21st, starting at 19:00 (7pm). The Meeting will be Hosted by Trinity Chapter. All current Covid Protocols will be followed and there will be NO meal beforehand. One of the items to come up during the Commandery Business portion will be to fill the Office of Sr Warden, which was left vacant at the Annual, pending contacting some individuals who were not present.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3
2021 March – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Now that it is March we get to come out of Darkness and begin holding our Meetings again. I hope that all you, and your families, are doing well and are healthy. With the Covid Immunizations underway and progressing well in our State, it looks like things are starting to pick up and maybe get back to a more normal life, although I don’t expect it to get back to the way it was for a long time yet.
The Meeting this month will be on Tuesday the 16th at 19:00 (7pm). Since we didn’t get a chance to do it last Fall we will be Opening in Commandery. This will give the Sir Knights a chance to get their uniforms out, dusted off and check the fit before we start another year. We’ll do the Short Form Opening with the Sir Knights present, then open it up so that the Chapter & Council Companions can come in, join us for the Pledge and then take part in the respective business meetings. This will also be the Annual Meeting of all 3 Bodies, including voting on Officers and etc for the upcoming year.
We will be utilizing the Covid-19 guidelines for Meetings, as laid out by our Grand Lodge and adopted by the Grand York Rite Bodies. This will include masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing and etc. I’m hoping to work it so that the business portion can be on Zoom, but nothing definite as of yet. I’ll send out the connections for it the day before, if it works out.
I started another little project a few weeks back after looking thru the list of Sir Knights. While we’re missing some of the dates for Companions either Exalted to Royal Arch Chapter, or Greeted to Cryptic Council, we do have the dates for the Sir Knights being Knighted. I’d like to take a minute and recognize the SK’s that have Milestone Anniversaries this month.
55 years – SK Philip H White, MWPGM
30 years – SK Alvin Davis
20 years- SK David Soroka
5 years – SK George Baldwin
5 years – SK Carlos Cardona Lebrón
5 years – SK Paul Little
5 years – SK Donald Taylor
I would also like to mention a SK whose Anniversary was back in January before I started my project.
SK Edward Rochford who reached his 50th Anniversary on January 26. Congratulations Sir Knight on reaching this outstanding Milestone.
Until we meet again Companions and Sir Knights stay safe and stay healthy.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3
2021 February – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
I know the Groundhog didn’t see his shadow as it was snowing too hard that day, but it looks like he finally brought us some Winter. Some cold temperatures, but not as bad as a normal Winter. Some snow, not as much as normal, but enough to make things messy, especially for the non-natives from below the border who can’t drive in it. At least Spring is just around the corner.
Next month is March and with that we will be coming out of Darkness. Our first order of business will be our Annual Meeting, with the election of Officers for the upcoming year. We will be looking for two very key Officers, which will be for all three bodies. Our current Treasurer is unable to continue due to time and work constraints. Also, our Secretary/Recorder of many years is ready to step back before he gets overextended. Due to an increase in his Grand Officer duties in our Grand York Rite Bodies he wishes to devote more time to his retirement and family duties. If any of you would be interested in doing either of these offices it would be most helpful. If you’re one of the ones still waiting for the Order of the Temple you can still do the other two bodies. If interested contact either myself, or Secretary/Recorder Cole before Friday, March 5th.
Companion Cole has recently forwarded a couple items dealing with some upcoming events of interest. They look to be both enjoyable and enlightening. I’ve attached the notices of them to this.
There are occasional programs referenced on the Facebook page “NH York Rite (members only)”. If you “like it” and “follow it” you can see when some other interesting events may come up. There’s an event on the 22nd about the Knights Templar Aprons that looks to be most enlightening. The info should be mentioned again before that date.
You fellow Sir Knights should of received a letter from the Grand Encampment referencing the “Knights Templar Eye Foundation”. Please give it your consideration, no matter the amount. It is a very worthwhile endeavor.
That’s it for now Companions, there’ll be another Trestleboard before the Annual next month. We may try to work it so to get that Meeting on Zoom for those of you who would like to take part, but are unable to attend. Take care Brothers and be safe.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery
2021 February 1 – Notice of Continued Suspension of York Rite Degree Work
1st Annual Royal Arch Research Assistance VIRTUAL Fundraising Dinner
NH Royal Arch family,
The Royal Arch Research Assistance is the national charity of Royal Arch Masonry supporting research on Central Auditory Processing Disorder. You can see more about it at They are holding an online dinner where they mail you a “make it yourself” meal and then we meet online on March 26 for a program where we can either eat together (or you can eat beforehand). The cost is $30 per dinner or $55 per couple. Once you email that they want to attend, He will send payment information. You can pay by check or credit card via PayPal.
So let’s support this great charity with something different with this online dinner. I’ve got my reservation in, hope you join me.
Art Stauff
Chairman NH RAM RARA
2021 January – Profile College #100 Newsletter
2021 January – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
As this unusual year is drawing to a close I hope that you are all well and healthy. Hopefully the New Year, which lays just before us, will be much better and we can eventually get out from under this Covid-19 cloud. The current rise in the number of cases is most depressing, as we were just starting to slowly get back to a semblance of normal. Most of the Blue Lodges were cautiously re-opening and some were doing Degrees, a few of the Chapters and Councils were trying to meet and get together to rehearse Degrees, the Commanderies were, unfortunately, under a lock-down Order from the Grand Encampment until next Spring. We, in the Concord Bodies, were able to get in a Council Meeting, bracketed by a couple of Chapter Meetings. We managed to do a Mark Master Degree at one and had the Official Visitation of our Most Excellent Grand High Priest / Most Illustrious Grand Master Patrick J O’Sullivan at the other. They were lightly attended, but that was fully understandable.
Currently, in accordance to our Bylaws, we are in Darkness until March, when we are scheduled to come out and have our Annual Meeting. I was previously thinking of maybe having a Special Meeting, or two, to do the PM and MEM Degrees on our Candidates during our period of Darkness, but with the current rise in Covid cases we’ll wait and see where we are when March gets here.
You may remember that a couple of weeks before Christmas I mentioned to you of a needy Companion. I am most pleased to report that during that 10 day period, and because of the generosity of those of you that were able to contribute, I received donations which enabled me to present to him a check for $1500. He was very overwhelmed and sends his most profound thanks to you all, even though it took me a lot of persuading before he would accept it. It’s really difficult for someone, who has always been on the giving side, to find themselves on the receiving end for a change. Please keep him, and his wife, in your thoughts and prayers while they are going thru this difficult time and their non-Covid related health issues.
We lost a few Brothers during the year, Companion Francis Viana, Sir Knight Charles Durgin and Sir Knight Harold Chase, Jr, that we are aware of. Keep their families in your thoughts and prayers. If you know of any others that SK Cole, or myself, may not of heard about, please let us know.
Finally Companions and Sir Knights, may the coming year bless you and yours, may the current pandemic pass you by and may we soon meet again in Fellowship. See you in March (hopefully). Until then, like and follow the NH York Rite Facebook Page and receive notices of various online enlightenment and other activities.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Dennis A Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery
2020 December – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
I hope that you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and are currently enjoying this short spell of mild weather before we slide into Winter. We’ve finally received some rain before the ground freezes up, which should be a blessing to those of you who may have a dug well for yourselves or your livestock.
It appears that we are in for another round of Covid. How drastic it will be remains to be seen, but regardless, keep yourself safe and follow the guidelines as much as possible. I know that I’m getting tired of it all, especially the masks. Difficult to breathe, probably from too much smoking when younger and too many Fire Dept calls before SCBA’s became commonplace. Besides, it makes my whiskers tickle my nose. Since my face has only seen daylight @ 5 times since ’75 shaving it isn’t an option.
Any activity (Degrees) are currently back on hold. Commandery (including Meetings) until Spring, Chapter and Council (just Degrees) until January, when it will be re-evaluated. Blue Lodge is currently scaled back to with Caution, but still all open. This shouldn’t really bother us, as we are normally Dark in December, January and February anyway.
The Grand York Rite Bodies currently are holding various online activities. They have returned to a once monthly educational offering of various aspects of the York Rite. I would recommend that you like the “NH York Rite – Members Only” Facebook page and keep apprised of the various offerings. Our Recorder/Secretary, Companion and Sir Knight Earl Cole, does an excellent job of keeping us all informed of upcoming events, but by liking the page you’ll have another opportunity to see the announcement in case we forget to send it out, or think that we did when we really didn’t (that would be yours truley).
This Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm) the Grand Commandery will by holding their Annual Christmas Observance. It will be an online, virtual offering this year and Earl sent out the notice and link to it the other day.
Our next scheduled event will be the March Meeting on March 16th, which will also be our Annual Meeting. If anything comes up between now and then we’ll let you know either directly, or in the monthly Trestleboard. Until then I wish you all a Happy Hanukkah, a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a Safe, Covid free Winter.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery