Please note that the 2024 Proceedings for Grand Chapter, Council and Commandery have been posted.
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Concord York Rite Trestleboard July 2024
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Welcome to Summer and the hot weather. So far a little heat, a little humidity and this year’s frequent rain. We should be over the drought that they say we had over the past few years by now.
While we have no Stated Meetings for the next few months, we, and some of the others, do have some Special Meetings to conduct various Degrees. We have a Mark Master scheduled for Tuesday the 9th, as does the Washington Chapter of Portsmouth. For our Trinity Chapter on the 9th please contact EHP Hird for dinner reservations.
Evening Star Council of Colebrook will be doing a Royal Master Degree in Lancaster on the 22nd, Dinner @ 6:00pm and Meeting @ 7:00pm. Dinner Reservations to
Our Secretary/Recorder will be sending out a reminder in the next couple of days to the few that still owe for their dues.
Be sure to read the remarks of our Dais Officers.
24 – 07 – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Here’s a copy of the Grand Lodges upcoming (in September) Unity Picnic. It’s a good time for all members and attend I’d you can.
Unity Picnic 2024 Flyer
Have a great 4th of July. We’ll send any updates that we may receive of things as we get them.
Concord York Rite Bodies
Concord York Rite Trestleboard June 2024
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Sorry for the delay in sending this out, but my computer hasn’t been working correctly lately. I use it with a Hotspot from my phone and for some reason all the solar activity has messed up the signal and the other problem was the computer had somehow shut off everything except Bluetooth. But the Granddaughter fixed it so should be back in business.
It’s going to be a busy month, following is a list of a bunch of the things going on.
Tuesday the 4th – MMM Rehearsal in Concord – 6:30pm
Friday the 7th – Sunday the 9th – Grand York Rite of Vermont – Killington VT (VT Grand Commandery 200th Anniversary)
Tuesday the 11th – MMM Rehearsal in Concord – 6:30pm.
Friday the 21st – Commandery Tactics – 6:30pm in Concord
Sunday the 23rd – St John’s Sunday at Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge – arrive by 9:30am
Monday the 24th – Royal Arch Degree in Lancaster – Dinner @ 6:30pm, Degree @ 7:00pm – Dinner Reservations to
Tuesday the 25th – MMM Degree in Portsmouth – Dinner @ 6:30pm, Degree @ 7:30pm – Dinner Reservations to EHP Greg A Annis, Washington Chapter #3
Tuesday July 9th – MMM Degree in Concord – Dinner @ 6:00pm, Degree @ 7:00pm – Dinner Reservations to
June Trestleboard
24 – 06 – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Make sure to read the leaders attachments. Here’s a bonus attachment for you Knights, General Order #1.
General Order 1 – 2024
Events that some of the Grand Officers will be attending that you may like to attend.
Grand York Rite June 2024 upcoming events
Have a good month, enjoy the warm and long days. Take a few moments to remember all the sacrifices 80 years ago on the 6th that took place during D-day, celebrate our flags 247th birthday on the 14th, the 259th birthday of the founding of the US Army on the same day and our country’s 248th Birthday on the 4th of next month.
Concord York Rite Bodies
Concord York Rite Trestleboard April 2024
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Here it is April and it sounds like we’re going to get a little more snow in the next few days, but it’s New Hampshire and anything is possible weather wise.
Congratulations to our two newest Sir Knights, SK Eduard Stalzer and SK George Langwasser, both took their Order of the Temple back on the 16th.
A reminder of the upcoming Grand York Right Business Session on April 6th at the Lodge in Concord. Mandatory for Dias Officers, but others can attend. Also the other half of the Business on Saturday May 11th and the Banquet on Friday night May 10th. The cut-off date for a room has gone past, but the cut-off for the Banquet is still open.
Grand Chapter Secretary Letter Business Meeting-2024
The Eminent Commander is looking for a few Sir Knights to serve as an Honor Guard on Saturday the 13th, @ 2:00 pm, for the Installation of our own SK Ryan Alfonso as WM of Union Lodge in Bristol.
From the EC – Notice for 2024-04-13 – Honor Guard – Mt Horeb Commandery #3
Here’s the April Trestleboard, you will find listing of the new Officers and brief messages from our new leaders.
24 – 04 – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Concord York Rite Bodies
Concord York Rite Trestleboard March 2024
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Here it is already March and time to get back active again. We have our Annual Meetings on the 19th and will be electing Officers for the 2024 year. Trestleboard is attached below, be sure to read the Dias Officers remarks.
There are also several upcoming Commandery Events which we are looking forward to. Detailed notices from Grand Commandery are attached below.
The first event is on Saturday the 9th. It’s the Annual Inspection of Mt Horeb #3 and North Star‐St Gerard #4. We will be doing the Order of Malta at the Lodge in Lancaster (25 Main St). Meeting will be at 13:00 (1:00 pm), preceeded by a lunch at 12:00. Required Reservations to .
The second event is Saturday the 16th. This will be the Inspection of Trinity #1 and St George #8. They will be doing the Order of the Temple at the Lodge in Manchester (1505 Elm St). Meeting will be at 13:00 (1:00 pm), preceeded by a lunch at 12:00. Required Reservations to .
The third event will be Sunday the 31st. This will be the Grand Commandery Easter Observance. It will be held at the Lodge in Concord (53 Iron Works Rd) starting at 08:00. Templars should wear Uniforms minus Swords, Gloves & Chapeaus.
24 – 03 – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Concord York Rite Bodies
Manchester York Rite Trestleboard February 2024
February 28, 2024
Sir Knights:
Please take notice that Trinity Commandery No. 1 will hold its Stated and Annual Conclaves Wednesday evening, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The Commandery will review its Reports, elect its officers, and set forth plans for the coming Chivalric Year.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Thomas X. Tsirimokos, K.G.C.
Concord York Rite Trestleboard February 2024
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
I hope this email finds you all well and that you’re enjoying this weird weather. We definitely should now be out of the small drought condition they said we were in.
A reminder of the Veterans Recognition Dinner that the Grand Commandery is hosting on Sunday February 18th at 15:00 (3:00 pm) at the Manchester Masonic Temple. This is for all members of the Masonic Family, not just for Commandery members. Attached below is the flyer and sign-up form. Any questions please contact the Very Eminent Deputy Commander, Art Stauff at
The Secretary/Recorder says that all dues cards have been sent out for the ones that he’s received payment for. If you haven’t received them check to make sure you have sent payment, or contact him if you have sent it and haven’t received anything back yet.
Reminder of the upcoming Commandery Order of the Illustrious Red Cross in Portsmouth this coming Saturday, February 3rd. Lunch will be at 12:00, reservations to Recorder Joe Rella , Order to start at 13:00 (1:00 pm). Dress to be Commandery Uniform, or dark suit, with Chapeau, Sword & Gloves.
Here’s your Trestleboard for February, sorry for the delay but have been having problems with the internet going in & out for some reason and couldn’t get it to cooperate.
Click Here for Concord York Rite Trestleboard February 2024
Concord York Rite Bodies
St. Anselm Chapel Consecrated
2021 May – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
I hope that this finds you all well and in good health. Spring is well underway and things are getting warmer and greener everyday, a most welcome change.
Unfortunately I was unable to attend our last Meeting, but I understand that Companion and Sir Knight Noddin did a fine job presiding in my absence. I had managed to get myself extremely dehydrated and contracted Covid. After a five day vacation at a Concord Resort getting rehydrated and back closer to normal (although there are some who say that I have never been normal) I came home. Am feeling so much better, but still tend to get tired easily.
This Saturday, the 8th, will be the 2nd half of the Grand York Rite Bodies Annual Meeting. I’d like to thank Companion and Sir Knight Greenwood for being my proxy and attending. For those that need them, Secretary/ Recorder Cole should of sent you your Credentials. I’m not sure if you’ll need a current dues card, but you might want to take them anyway just in case.
Our next Stated Meeting will be on the 18th and will be Hosted by the Council. I’m planning on attending and am looking forward to seeing you all again. Would be a good time to bring in some Petitions, if you have any. Until then stay safe and enjoy this lovely Spring weather.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3
2021 June – Concord York Rite Trestleboard
Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
I hope that all is well with you and that you all are healthy. It appears that the Covid problem is easing up and things are getting back to normal, or at least closer to normal. As I look out the window watching the light rain, which we are supposed to have off and on for the next few days, I have two different thoughts. One is that it’s a good thing, because we need the rain. Some of the brooks and swamps were getting lower than normal for this time of year. The other is a little sadness at a possible poor weather three-day weekend and disrupting the beginning of people’s summer season. But then I think maybe that’s the way it should be once in a while, maybe it needs to be dreary and dismal to remind us of what this weekend and Holiday are for. We have several of these Military related Holidays a year, “Armed Forces Day”, a couple weeks ago, for the ones who are still in uniform, “Veterans Day” in November for those who once served and “Memorial Day” this Monday for those who served and ended up giving their all. Maybe we need a rainy day to reflect on what their sacrifice has meant for us all, especially in these trying and disturbing times.
June begins our period of Darkness, there are no Stated Meetings until September, when we will again come out of Darkness. I don’t anticipate any Special Meetings during the Summer, but if we do there will be plenty of notice sent out. I do however anticipate some rehearsals for the various Degrees. The current plan is to start with a Council Meeting in September and conduct the Royal and Select Master Degrees. This will allow any of our Royal Arch Companions who are ready to be able to take the Orders when they’re given in October. We will do the Past Master and Most Excellent Master Degrees in either October or November, depending on when Most Excellent Grand High Priest Tsirimokos does an Official Visit. They’re the Degrees we’re scheduled to do, plus it will get our Mark Masters ready for the Royal Arch that MEHP Tsirimokos is hoping to do in December.
You and your families have a wonderful summer Companions, enjoy the warmth and sunlight. Remember, if you’re able, to fly your flag on Flag Day, June 14th and Independence Day, July 4th. For the Officers, I’ll be in touch about rehearsals and parts in the near future.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3