Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Well, it looks like Spring is finally here, maybe with a future minor setback or two, but definitely is looking up, actually heard the first Peepers out and croaking away this afternoon. As more and more people are getting the Covid Vaccinations it looks like the Pandemic restrictions may be easing up and letting us get back to a more normal schedule. I know that I’ll be glad when we can get back to normal Meetings, doing Degrees and having Dinners.
This coming month we have a couple of events that will be on the agenda. They’ll be primarily Virtual Events, but our Stated will be in person.
Firstly, there will be a Virtual Easter Observance put on by the General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar. It will be on Sunday the 4th at 11:00. I have attached the invitation and link to this email. It’s primarily for Sir Knights, they being the Christian branch of Masonry, but any Companions or family members are welcome to watch if they’d like. It’s a YouTube type event, so not interactive, just visual.
Secondly, the Annual Business Meeting of our three Grand York Rite Bodies will be on Saturday the 10th, starting at 08:30. The registration of voting members will be starting at 08:00 and the Grand Secretary/ Recorder is supposed to send you your voting materials prior to the actual meeting, similar to Grand Lodge last Fall. I believe that all may virtually attend the session of a Body they belong to, but only the required Dias Officers, or their Proxy, may vote. Secretary/Recorder Cole will send out the notifications and requirements to the Dias Officers prior to the Meeting. If you’re interested in observing one of the Meetings contact Companion/ Sir Knight Cole and if it’s allowed he’ll send you the link.
Thirdly, our Stated this month will be on the 21st, starting at 19:00 (7pm). The Meeting will be Hosted by Trinity Chapter. All current Covid Protocols will be followed and there will be NO meal beforehand. One of the items to come up during the Commandery Business portion will be to fill the Office of Sr Warden, which was left vacant at the Annual, pending contacting some individuals who were not present.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3