2021 February – Concord York Rite Trestleboard

Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,

I know the Groundhog didn’t see his shadow as it was snowing too hard that day, but it looks like he finally brought us some Winter. Some cold temperatures, but not as bad as a normal Winter. Some snow, not as much as normal, but enough to make things messy, especially for the non-natives from below the border who can’t drive in it. At least Spring is just around the corner.

Next month is March and with that we will be coming out of Darkness. Our first order of business will be our Annual Meeting, with the election of Officers for the upcoming year. We will be looking for two very key Officers, which will be for all three bodies. Our current Treasurer is unable to continue due to time and work constraints. Also, our Secretary/Recorder of many years is ready to step back before he gets overextended. Due to an increase in his Grand Officer duties in our Grand York Rite Bodies he wishes to devote more time to his retirement and family duties. If any of you would be interested in doing either of these offices it would be most helpful. If you’re one of the ones still waiting for the Order of the Temple you can still do the other two bodies. If interested contact either myself, or Secretary/Recorder Cole before Friday, March 5th.

Companion Cole has recently forwarded a couple items dealing with some upcoming events of interest. They look to be both enjoyable and enlightening. I’ve attached the notices of them to this.

There are occasional programs referenced on the Facebook page “NH York Rite (members only)”. If you “like it” and “follow it” you can see when some other interesting events may come up. There’s an event on the 22nd about the Knights Templar Aprons that looks to be most enlightening. The info should be mentioned again before that date.

You fellow Sir Knights should of received a letter from the Grand Encampment referencing the “Knights Templar Eye Foundation”. Please give it your consideration, no matter the amount. It is a very worthwhile endeavor.

That’s it for now Companions, there’ll be another Trestleboard before the Annual next month. We may try to work it so to get that Meeting on Zoom for those of you who would like to take part, but are unable to attend. Take care Brothers and be safe.

Dennis Tuttle, Sr

Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery

1st Annual Royal Arch Research Assistance VIRTUAL Fundraising Dinner
Contact Secretary Earl Cole if you are interested in the York Rite 2.0 Meeting/Training via Zoom.