2021 May – Concord York Rite Trestleboard

Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,

I hope that this finds you all well and in good health. Spring is well underway and things are getting warmer and greener everyday, a most welcome change.

Unfortunately I was unable to attend our last Meeting, but I understand that Companion and Sir Knight Noddin did a fine job presiding in my absence. I had managed to get myself extremely dehydrated and contracted Covid. After a five day vacation at a Concord Resort getting rehydrated and back closer to normal (although there are some who say that I have never been normal) I came home. Am feeling so much better, but still tend to get tired easily.

This Saturday, the 8th, will be the 2nd half of the Grand York Rite Bodies Annual Meeting. I’d like to thank Companion and Sir Knight Greenwood for being my proxy and attending. For those that need them, Secretary/ Recorder Cole should of sent you your Credentials. I’m not sure if you’ll need a current dues card, but you might want to take them anyway just in case.

Our next Stated Meeting will be on the 18th and will be Hosted by the Council. I’m planning on attending and am looking forward to seeing you all again. Would be a good time to bring in some Petitions, if you have any. Until then stay safe and enjoy this lovely Spring weather.

Dennis Tuttle, Sr

Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter #2
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council #4
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery #3