Concord York Rite Trestleboard June 2024

Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,

Sorry for the delay in sending this out, but my computer hasn’t been working correctly lately. I use it with a Hotspot from my phone and for some reason all the solar activity has messed up the signal and the other problem was the computer had somehow shut off everything except Bluetooth. But the Granddaughter fixed it so should be back in business.

It’s going to be a busy month, following is a list of a bunch of the things going on.

Tuesday the 4th – MMM Rehearsal in Concord – 6:30pm
Friday the 7th – Sunday the 9th – Grand York Rite of Vermont – Killington VT (VT Grand Commandery 200th Anniversary)
Tuesday the 11th – MMM Rehearsal in Concord – 6:30pm.
Friday the 21st – Commandery Tactics – 6:30pm in Concord
Sunday the 23rd – St John’s Sunday at Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge – arrive by 9:30am
Monday the 24th – Royal Arch Degree in Lancaster – Dinner @ 6:30pm, Degree @ 7:00pm – Dinner Reservations to
Tuesday the 25th – MMM Degree in Portsmouth – Dinner @ 6:30pm, Degree @ 7:30pm – Dinner Reservations to EHP Greg A Annis, Washington Chapter #3
Tuesday July 9th – MMM Degree in Concord – Dinner @ 6:00pm, Degree @ 7:00pm – Dinner Reservations to

June Trestleboard
24 – 06 – Concord York Rite Trestleboard

Make sure to read the leaders attachments. Here’s a bonus attachment for you Knights, General Order #1.
General Order 1 – 2024

Events that some of the Grand Officers will be attending that you may like to attend.
Grand York Rite June 2024 upcoming events

Have a good month, enjoy the warm and long days. Take a few moments to remember all the sacrifices 80 years ago on the 6th that took place during D-day, celebrate our flags 247th birthday on the 14th, the 259th birthday of the founding of the US Army on the same day and our country’s 248th Birthday on the 4th of next month.


Concord York Rite Bodies