On the date noted above, the Officers of St. Marks Lodge No. 44 in Derry, NH were installed into office by a Guest Degree team. Worshipful Master George B. Chapman invited the Profile York Rite College Degree Team is do the Installation ceremony dressed in Grand Royal Arch Chapter regalia.
This was a semi-public Installation Ceremony and the Installing members of the team were considered guests of the Worshipful Master. With that decision in mind, we arranged a Team to meet the criteria.
RW Brother Richard F. Cole, Jr. Past District Deputy Grand Master, Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest and the present Grand Governor of New Hampshire for the York Rite Sovereign College of North America, was the Installing Officer. Joining him were Worshipful Brother Robert D. Steel, PM, MEPGHP, and Past Governor for Profile York Rite College of N.H. as Installing Chaplain, W. Brother R. Bradley Alderfer, PM, Grand Scribe of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of NH and present Governor of Profile Y.R. College as Assistant Marshal, W. Brother John S. Geas, P.M., MEPGHP, and Past Governor of Profile Y.R. College as Installing Secretary and RW Brother Dennis A. Sheridan, PDDGM, MEPGHP, Past Grand Governor of YRSCNA as Installing Marshal.
The Installing Officers were dressed in the red color of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, with Grand Officer Aprons, Collars and Jewels as in the picture shown. The ceremony went very well, with solemn dignified ritual with only a small amount of humor displayed. We thanked the brethren and their guests and were treated to a delicious Roast Beef Dinner served by the OES and Rainbow Girls. An excellent time for all!