All posts by webmaster

Concord Update (June 6, 2014)

We just wanted to let you know about the schedule of degrees we have coming up.

  • Past Master and Most Excellent Master degrees on June 24th at 7PM.
  • Royal Arch Master degree, (the final degree for chapter) on August 19th. There will be a dinner at 6:30 and degree at 7:30PM

Also please note that the annual Concord York Rite Picnic sponsored by Horace Chase Council will be on Tuesday, June 17th at 6:30PM – Please RSVP to Marc Gelinas or myself so we make sure we have enough food.
All members of the Masonic family are invited, their spouses, children, friends and family! Please join us!

As for Commandery, please be aware that if you have a full commandery uniform and are attending the Cathedral of the Pines on St. John’s Sunday, June 22 in Rindge, NH we could use your assistance! A full uniform with Chapeau and Sword are required as we will be a part of the team receiving the dignitaries of this event. Please contact myself or the Eminent Commander if you can assist with this.

I know there has been very little communication as of late and for that we apologize. We went through a merger this winter with the Claremont York Rite bodies and it took a little time to get that all sorted and then the two groups organized together. We think we have that well started and things should flow a bit smoother now. We will do our best to put out timely and periodic notices like this one.

The leadership in the Concord York Rite this year is as follows:

High Priest of Trinity Chapter is Andy M.
Illustrious Master of Horace Chase Council is Marc R.
Eminent Commander of Mt. Horeb Commandery is Earl W. Cole,

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do everything I can to get you the answer.

Respectfully submitted,
Scott M.. Ayen, Secretary/Recorder
Concord York Rite Bodies

Grand Recorder’s Updates (February 12, 2012)

To all the Sir Knights of this Grand Jurisdiction:

I have several notices for you which will all be touched upon in this letter.

1. The Inspection of De Witt Clinton and Palestine Commanderies has to be postponed. The new date is April 5, 2014 in Portsmouth. Start time is 1:00 p.m. and lunch will be served at noon. Send reservations to Sir Knight Robert Argel.

2. To accommodate this new move, The RE Grand Commander has moved the location of the Grand Commandery Business Conclave. It will now be held in Portsmouth on the same date, April 5th, starting at 10:00 a.m. To make sure we have ample coverage, all Reports due to be presented should be filed with the Grand Recorder’s office no later than March 29, 2014. This includes all Grand Officer’s Reports and Committee Reports. Also, all Grand Line Officers, make sure to copy the Committee on Doings of Grand Officers by the same date. It is allowable to note whatever functions you plan to attend after that date until the end of the term in the report. This report is preferred in email form.

3. The Inspection of Trinity and St. George Commanderies will still be held on March 22nd in Nashua starting at 9:00 a.m. as previously noted. Any questions, contact SK Robert Porter.

4. The Grand Commandery has planned to demonstrate a Tactics demonstration on March 08, 2014 in Manchester starting at 10:00 a.m. All Sir Knights are asked to attend in full uniform. A brief rehearsal may be held earlier at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. for a floor work drill.

5. The New Hampshire Past Commander’s Association will meet following the March 8th meeting. All Past and Present Eminent Commanders are eligible to join. The fee is $5 and the dues are set at $3 annually. We would appreciate the help of all the Sir Knights in performing this Ceremony.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.

Sincerely and fraternally,
Dennis A. Sheridan, PGC, KCT
E. Grand Recorder
Grand Commandery of NH

Click here to download the Grand Recorder’s Newsletter 2-2014

Profile College No. 100 Stated Assembly (February 15, 2014)

This is notice of the 116th Stated Assembly of Profile College No. 100:

It will be held at the Masonic Temple in Portsmouth, NH (351 Middle St.)

12 pm – Lunch (RSVP to Rodney Robinson)
Officers are requested to be there (Dress for Officers is Jewel and Tuxedo)
1 pm – College will open

Governor’s Message
Companion Knights: There will be a Candidate. Please be ready to do the Order of York and know your part.
John B. Clark, Governor

First Commandery Inspection of 2014 – Tilton

The Order of the temple was performed in full form. SK Paul M. Leary did the first half, the Baldric and Flag ceremony. SK Andy M. Lord did the second half as Commander as well as the Sword presentation and SK Scott M. Ayen did the Attributes and SK Dennis A. Sheridan the Standards.

The Inspector General gave positive comments about the work and congratulated the Officers for the efforts put forth.

Grand Commandery Tactics Review

Per order of the Grand Commander:

All available sir Knight are requested to come to Exeter at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday January 25th for a rehearsal of tactics to perform a full form opening. The actual drill work may be done on March 8th, presumably in Manchester. Further information will be sent out when confirmation can be obtained.

Please invite Sir Knights from your Commandery who may be willing to serve as Guards for marching purposes.

Thank you for this assistance.


Dennis A. Sheridan, Grand Recorder

AMD to meet on March 29th 2014

The next stated meeting of John Harris Council #458, Allied Masonic Degrees will be on March 29th at 9am in Tilton, NH.

We will be performing the Master of Tyre degree on this date, quick rehearsal at 9:00 then the show about 10.

Master of Tyre