All posts by webmaster

Manchester York Rite Message (June 2015)

Please click this link for the Manchester York Rite June 2015 Message

Brothers, Companions, and Sir Knights, the location of this Saturday’s Conclave of Instruction is incorrect in the newsletter. The correct location is Concord. Sorry for the confusion.

Pat “Sully” O’Sullivan

DeMolay Thank You to Grand Chapter

Date: Sun, May 10, 2015

ME Scott Ayen
ME Grand High Priest
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
New Hampshire

Dear Companion and Dad Ayen,

On behalf of the young men of New Hampshire DeMolay we want to thank you and your Royal Arch Companions for your generous contribution to our educational programs.

This and other recent donations will allow for our State Junior Councilor Tim Sprague to attend a DeMolay Leadership Conference in Oklahoma. He will be spending a week immersed in a program that will help him improve his skills as a DeMolay State Officer.

We will also be sending four or five DeMolays to Region 1 Leadership Training at Camp Lions Pride, New Durham, NH. They will spend their week gaining knowledge about DeMolay and how they can help lead their local Chapter.

We are very pleased to see the ties between NH Royal Arch Masons and NH DeMolays being re established.

Please feel free to share this with your membership!

Thank you,
Scott F. Jenckes, State Master Councilor
George L. Baldwin, Executive Officer
New Hampshire DeMolay

Upcoming Degree Dates in Concord

Attention Companions,

As our new class of candidates are about to start their York Rite journey please take note of the following dates:

Mark Master Mason Degree (First Chapter Degree)

  • Monday, May 11th, 2015 – Suncook Masonic Temple (6:30pm Dinner / 7:30pm Start)

Past Master (Virtual) Degree (Second Chapter Degree, Must have MMM degree)

  • Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 – Concord Masonic Temple (7pm Start / No Dinner)

Most Excellent Master Degree (Third Chapter Degree, Must have PM degree)

  • Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 – Portsmouth Masonic Temple (6pm Dinner / 7pm Start)
  • Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 – Concord Masonic Temple (Start following PM Degree / No Dinner)

Royal Arch Degree (Last Chapter Degree, Must have MEM degree)

  • Tuesday, May 22nd, 2015 – Manchester Masonic Temple (6pm Dinner / 7pm Start)
  • Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 – Concord Masonic Temple (6:15pm Dinner / 7pm Start)

Council Visitation Cancelled (March 18, 2015)

Yesterday I spoke with our MI Grand Master, R. Bradley Alderfer and he and I have come to the conclusion to cancel the visitation scheduled for THIS Wednesday, March 18.

We will move ahead with our annual meetings scheduled for Wednesday the 25th for both Chapter and Council. This meeting will be very important to attend, and both Companion O’Sullivan and I hope that our members can make it.

So please make every effort to attend our annual convocations of Mt. Horeb Chapter and Adorniam Council at 7 PM on Wednesday the 25th at the Manchester Masonic temple.

Thank you Companions.
Paul Smith, IM – Adorniam Council
Patrick O’Sullivan, HP – Mt. Horeb Chapter

Council Visitation Moving Location (March 18, 2015)

Due to a transcription error, we are not able to meet in Manchester on March 18th for the visitation of Adoniram Council.

Instead, the venue will be the Goffstown Masonic temple located at 15 Mountain Road. Please update your calendar accordingly. Our Council paraphernalia will be brought over for the purposes of the visitation and returned.
Paul Smith, Adoniram Council

Manchester York Rite Bodies Newsletter (February 2015)

Companions and Sir Knights,
Please find attached a newsletter for the Manchester, NH York Rite Bodies for the upcoming month. It is important that we have Companions and Sir Knights willing to assist us in work.

NH York Rite is at a crossroads and our actions over the next few years are going to decide whether we survive or fade into obscurity. I, for one, think that our degrees and orders and meaningful and beautiful and I hope you will entertain joining us, especially for our upcoming inspection and visitation.

If there are any Companions or Sir Knights from Manchester who were not included on this email, please let me know so that I can add them to the distribution list.

Paul Smith, IM
Adoniram Council

Click Here for the Manchester York Rite Bodies Newsletter – February 2015

Northeast Regional Conference (September 5-6, 2014)

The York Rite northeastern regional conference will be held in Manchester NH, Sep 5-6, 2014.

Attached for your distribution to your Grand Chapter and chapter officers, as well as interested members, is the flyer with the registration form and information regarding the conference. Please distribute as soon as possible. As you can appreciate, time is moving quickly toward the meeting.

NERYR Resv. form final 2014 fill in