All posts by Dennis Sheridan

DeMolay Thank You to Grand Commandery

Date: Sun, May 10, 2015

Sir Knight Paul M. Leary, REGC
Grand Commander
Grand Commandary of NH
Knights Templar

Dear Brother and Dad Leary,

On behalf of the young men of New Hampshire DeMolay we want to thank you and your Sir Knights for your generous contribution to our educational programs.

This and other recent donations will allow for our State Junior Councilor Tim Sprague to attend a DeMolay Leadership Conference in Oklahoma. He will be spending a week immersed in a program that will help him improve his skills as a DeMolay State Officer.

We will also be sending four or five DeMolays to Region 1 Leadership Training at Camp Lions Pride, New Durham, NH. They will spend their week gaining knowledge about DeMolay and how they can help lead their local Chapter.

We are very pleased to see the ties between NH Knight Templars and NH DeMolays being re established.

Please feel free to share this with your membership!

Thank you,
Scott F. Jenckes, State Master Councilor
George L. Baldwin, Executive Oficer
New Hampshire DeMolay

Change of Inspections (March 5, 2015)

To: The Grand Officers, Past Grand Commanders, Officers and Members of all Commanderies within the jurisdiction of, and holding Allegiance to the Grand Commandery of New Hampshire

Due to a number of conflicting events scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2015, including the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire’s Masonic Leadership Training Session, the Joint Commandery Inspections of Trinity Commandery #1 and St. George Commandery #8 scheduled for that day in Nashua has been canceled.
The two Commanderies will be inspected with DeWitt Clinton Commandery #2 and Palestine Commandery #11 in Portsmouth at 1:00 PM on Saturday, April 4, 2015. Please note the change and share this with the Sir Knights of your respective Commanderies.
I urge each of you who were planning to attend the March 14 Joint Inspection to take advantage of the Masonic Leadership Training Session which will be held in Concord. Reservations may be made at the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire’s website.

SK Robert M. Porter
Grand Commander

Download Orders for Change of Inspections [PDF]

NH York Rite Bodies Annual Sessions (May 8-9, 2015)


This is notice of this year’s annual sessions for all three NH Grand York Rite Bodies.

Please download the Reservation Form and Schedule

Click Here to Download 2015 Reservation Form

Holiday Inn Concord Downtown
172 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301

Events for Friday, May 8, 2015
12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration & Hospitality Room open
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Social Hour at Banquet Hall (cash bar)
7:00 p.m. (promptly) Grand York Rite Banquet
open ½ hour after banquet Hospitality Room

Concord Masonic Temple
53 Iron Works Road
Concord, NH 03301

Events for Saturday, May 9, 2015
8:30 a.m. Commandery Distinguished Visitor Introductions
9:00 a.m. Grand Commandery Annual Conclave
10:30 a.m. Joint Grand Chapter/Council Distinguished Visitor Introductions
11:00 a.m. Grand Chapter Annual Convocation
12:15 p.m. Grand Council Annual Assembly
1:15 p.m. Luncheon for Companions/Sir Knights & Ladies
2:30 p.m. Semi-Public Installations (Chapter; then Council; then Commandery)

St. John’s Sunday Services (June 10, 2014)

Printable Version

To: The Grand Officers, Past Grand Commanders, Officers and Members of all Commanderies within the jurisdiction of, and
holding Allegiance to the Grand Commandery of New Hampshire


The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire has announced that there will be two St. John’s Sunday Services in New Hampshire this
year. One will be in Portsmouth, and the other will be in Rindge.

I invite all Sir Knights, with their families and friends to join with their fratres and brethren in attending one of the divine
services. The Grand Commandery will escort the Grand Lodge and the Masons of New Hampshire to the services at both
Portsmouth and Rindge.

Attire for Sir Knights is Class A uniform, with chapeau and sword. Guests and Sir Knights not in uniform should dress
appropriately for a church service. The schedules for the two services are:

Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth, NH
8:00 AM – Grand Lodge opens at William Pitt Tavern
8:30 AM – Assemble at the large field at Strawbery Banke
9:00 AM – Procession to St. John’s Episcopal Church
9:30 AM – Divine service
11:00 AM – March back to Strawbery Banke (following service)
11:30 AM – Cookout at Portsmouth Masonic Temple (donation)
12:00 PM – Grand Lodge closes

Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, NH
10:30 AM – Assemble in parking lot at Cathedral of the Pines
11:00 AM – Procession to service
12:00 PM – March back to parking lot

While no lunch is planned at Cathedral of the Pines, there are restaurants in the area, including Kimball Farm Restaurant and Ice
Cream Stand, 158 Turnpike Rd, Jaffrey and J.P. Stephens Restaurant, 377 Rte 202, Rindge.

I hope you are able to participate.

Robert M. Porter, Grand Commander

Dennis A. Sheridan, Grand Recorder