Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
It appears that time is speeding up, September flew by and we’re already well into the second week of October. The next thing you know it will start getting white and cold outside. Seems to happen every year around this time, with more things to do around the yard than time to do them in.
This months Meeting will be on Tuesday the 20th @ 19:00 (7:00 pm). It will be hosted by the Council, so look over your Rituals and the Council Opening. I’ve attached a list of the Officers to remind those of you who are Officers of which one you are, since it’s been so long since the Council has gotten together.
We’ll be conducting business in Chapter, Council and Commandery. The main item in all three Bodies is to vote on next year’s budgets, which will remain the same as last year’s. We may have other odds and ends that might come up, but shouldn’t be anything drastic.
We’ll still be operating under the Covid Guidelines as put forth by Grand Lodge and adopted by Grand Chapter and Grand Council. If you don’t feel comfortable in groups yet, or are feeling ill we fully understand your not attending.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery