On the Precipice of Great Responsibility

Brothers and Companions,
I wish first to thank you all for the confidence you have placed in me. It means a great deal to have your trust, and know that I stand (figuratively of course) before you as, but a servant-leader. To say that this is a humbling experience would be a gross understatement, particularly to be taking the mantle of responsibility in such a tumultuous time. While I cannot change those things that are beyond all of our control and must trust in the Great Architect of the Universe, know that I do not take this duty lightly and look forward to a time when we can all gather together again in fellowship and harmony.
I have been fortunate in my life to have had other opportunities to lead some amazing organizations, but there is a key difference between those bodies and our fraternal society, and it is in that word, fraternal, that gives us a clue to that uniqueness. This speaks to a bond that cannot be expressed accurately and transcends both time & distance. It is our brotherhood, our obligations, and our promises to each other which unites us. However, that bond alone cannot be the only tie we have. If our Rite is to have not just a future, but a firm foundation, we must all pick up the yoke together to move what is a truly heavy burden. As the adage by John Heywood goes, “many hands make light work…”
As a former military officer, we are taught to look strategically at our command, it’s structure, to develop both a mission and a vision, but in this case some of those are defined for us. We exist to answer that request we, and all of fellow brothers, companions, and sir knights made at that altar when we asked for further light. To that end, being an engineer also, I have tried to encapsulate, to me at least, what I see as the “sacred delta” of our Rite. It exists in the simple acronym, T.E.M.P.L.E. Yes, the allusion is an obvious one, but it is that simplicity which I feel best defines what we do. T+E, we must Teach and Educate, not only our members, but ourselves. If we are not conversant in our beliefs, lessons, and morals of our work, how can we ever hope to pass that on to our newest members. M+P, we must Master and Perform, our rituals. It was one of my recent predecessors, MEPGHP Ayen, who said, “do the work” and that still holds true to this day. If we are not doing that, then why are we here? Mastery, as those in the special operations community say, can only be achieved with constant repetition under fire. So, my brothers & companions, we must roll up our sleeves and “do the work”. L+E, Lead and Excel, leadership is not something we are, it is something we do. I have always said, “we lead people and we manage things”. I must inform you we don’t have things…we have people and those people deserve good leadership, so this falls on those not only in such positions in our local and Grand bodies, but to every one of you who holds a dues card. We are all leaders in some capacity and must walk & act as such.
If we truly dedicate ourselves to these things I have talked about, our beloved New Hampshire York Rite will Excel. I thank you all, may the Great Architect of the Universe watch over you, and may you have many years of health & happiness. Be well my brothers & companions, I look forward to the next year and beyond as we Rebuild our T.E.M.P.L.E.

Patrick J. “Sully” O’Sullivan