September 22, 2018
This year’s North-east Regional College Meeting was held on Saturday September 21, 2018, in Portsmouth N.H. There were over 50 Companion Knights present and 4 candidates for the Order of York.
The Degree Team consisted of volunteers from Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut with the New Hampshire members who performed excellent work for our new Companion-Knights.
Among those present included Right Eminently Distinguished Brother Raymond E. Hassell, who is a Regent for the New England area. There were many Grand Governors, Past Grand Governors, Past and Present Deputy Grand Governors as well as officers from the various Colleges present. Three of the four Past Grand Governors of NH were there to welcome our new Grand Governor Right Eminently Distinguished Brother Paul M. Leary.
Pictured on the attached link is Regent Raymond E. Hassell and the degree team who performed the Order of York for the Assembly. Next year the Regional will be hosted by Green Mountain College #139 of Vermont.
Pre-eminent Governor Robert M. Porter received the Service Award from the York Rite Sovereign College of N.A. and it was presented to him at the beginning of the Regional Assembly.
After closing, the Companion Knights joined in a Testimonial dinner in honor of Past Grand Governor Richard F. Cole, Jr. and some fond memories were shared.
Fraternally yours,
Dennis A. Sheridan, OPC
Past Grand Governor NH