Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,
Well, July is upon us with its usual high temperatures, but the good news is that we are starting to come out of our lockdown. Some of the various Lodges have started to meet in person following the current Grand Lodge guidelines for Masonic Bodies. Seems like it’s been such a long time since we’ve been able to get together. Hopefully we’ll be able to continue on this new path and gradually get back to normal without any setbacks.
I’m currently planning on having a Special Meeting in August, on the 18th, so we can get back together and catch up on things. A lot will depend on the status of the Concord Lodge Building. They have a project this Summer to re-do the Restrooms in the Temple and our Meeting will depend on the status of the project. We wouldn’t want to be there if the facilities are unavailable, especially us older guys.
Hopefully for the August Trestleboard I’ll have more good news for you about our ability to meet and get together. Until then stay safe and hopefully see you soon.
Dennis Tuttle, Sr
Excellent High Priest Trinity Chapter
Illustrious Master Horace Chase Council
Eminent Commander Mt Horeb Commandery